The Citation Latitude, Cessna’s latest midsized jet rolled out the first production aircraft earlier this year. The Latitude has a ceiling of 43,000 feet, a cruise speed of 440 knot and a range of 2,500 nautical miles. The new Latitude has a 6 foot tall cabin and can accommodate up to nine passengers. “Our product investments extend beyond the design and performance features of the aircraft with innovations in our manufacturing processes,” said Scott Ernest, president and CEO of Textron Aviation, referring to the use of robotics to build the airplane. “The Citation Latitude team has redefined what customers should expect from a business aircraft in this segment, while also redefining the aircraft build process. The Latitude is also the first business jet in the industry to feature cabin airbags for passengers in side-facing dual or single seating configurations. Taking a cue from technology prevalent in automotive airbags, the system is the first to meet new FAA occupant protection requirements and extends the Citation’s heritage for continued safety innovation.